Violence costs an estimated $60 billion annually and remains in the top 10 causes of death


Special issue: Lifestyle Medicine, Public Health and Violence

From American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine

Suicide, child abuse, playground fights, gang violence, sexual assault, and domestic violence are just a few examples of violence that touch people in all walks of life and communities everywhere. Homicide and suicide remain in the top ten leading causes of death for people from birth to age 64. How do you combat an issue that takes so many forms and has so many causes? This special issue developed by The National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine takes a closer look at violence prevention. Because of the complexities surrounding violence, its impact on society is deep and multifaceted. Aside from the physical effects, which have prompted the American Medical Association to recognize violence as a health issue, there are also very real monetary effects. According to the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, the estimated annual cost of medical care and productivity lost because of violence each year is estimated at more than $70 billion. Considering violence prevention this article focuses particularly on efforts most relevant for health care providers outlining the integral role of clinicians.

Read this special issue for free

Article details
Rippe, J. (2011). Violence Prevention and Lifestyle Medicine: An Imperative for All Health Care Practitioners American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 5 (5), 388-389 DOI: 10.1177/1559827611413866

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