Archive for the ‘Information Science’ Category

Digital workplaces: Vision and reality

March 6, 2013

From Business Information Review

The last decade has seen some significant changes to the IT landscape. It has been a period where developments in consumer technology have had a major impact on enterprise technology. The most obvious example is mobile technology. However, the working environment has changed very little over the last decade and companies are now beginning to consider how they can provide better support for the next generation of knowledge workers. Employees these days want to work hard, from home or the office, using social networks and cloud applications to get the job done. This article provides an overview of the development of the concept of digital workplaces and sets out user requirements that a digital workplace has to meet.


Celebrating 50 years: Information Science at the University of Sheffield

February 18, 2013

From Journal of Information Science

Special Issue

This issue of the Journal of Information Science celebrates the fiftieth anniversary of the founding at the University of Sheffield of what was then called the Postgraduate School of Librarianship. Over time the School has changed its name on three occasions. These changes in name have been accompanied by substantial changes in the size and the composition of the School. The research conducted is not only broad in scope but is also of very high quality, as is attested by the School’s achievements in the Research Assessment Exercises that have been conducted in the UK at regular intervals since 1989. The focus on research is reflected in this special issue: no less than eight of the 12 papers are based on work carried out for taught-course (MA or MSc) or research (MPhil or PhD) degrees. It is hoped that the 12 articles in this special issue will provide the reader with at least a flavor of the information science research that is currently underway in the School.

