Archive for the ‘Geography’ Category

100 cities ranked according to greenhouse gas emissions

February 1, 2011

Cities and greenhouse gas emissions: moving forward

From Environment and Urbanization

This study examines greenhouse gas emissions for over 100 cities in 33 countries and suggests 28 policy tools that city governments can use to take action on climate change. It looks at who produces the most, and urges a new look at cities and climate change. This paper finds not only variations between countries but within countries and even within cities. Lifestyles and consumption patterns are key drivers of greenhouse gas emissions .“This paper reminds us that it is the world’s wealthiest cities and their wealthiest inhabitants that are to blame for unsustainable levels of greenhouse gas emissions, not cities in general,” says Dr David Satterthwaite, Journal Editor. “Most cities in Africa, Asia and Latin America have low emissions per person. The challenge for them is to keep these emissions low even as their wealth grows.”


When a “home” becomes a “house”: care and caring in the flood recovery process

January 13, 2011

From Space and Culture            

As Australia has become the latest victim of severe flooding, we are mindful of the potentially devastating consequences. This article looks back to the 2007 floods in North East England, to consider the care needs that are revealed, disrupted, and produced by the dependencies and vulnerabilities associated with flood recovery. It also uses diaries to document and understand the everyday experiences of individuals following the floods. The research highlights the importance of place and space within health care. The consequences of flooding on homes may cause disruptions to the meanings, objects, and routines that help make up these safe spaces, therefore can have a profound impact on our emotional and physical landscapes.


Sonic city: the evolving economic geography of the music industry

August 18, 2010

From Journal of Planning Education and Research

While musicians can come from anywhere, they migrate over time. This research finds the music industry has become significantly more concentrated. In the US, New York and Los Angeles remain dominant locations with Nashville emerging in third place. There has been a tendency for musicians to cluster in search of inspiration and mutual learning, labeled as a “music scene”. However in this modern age there are good reasons for geographical spread. Musicians tour and travel to perform, with the rise of the Internet, social media, and digital distribution of musical content there is little need to be tied to a specific music center. The article examines the powerful forces that will continue to push and pull the geographical movement of the industry.

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Transport policies, automobile use, and sustainable transport: a comparison of Germany and the United States

June 17, 2010

From Journal of Planning Education and Research

Germany leads the way with effective transport policies. This report indicates that the US should look to Germany for successful strategies to achieve more sustainable transport. Policies play a role in shaping differences in car use; Germans use their cars half as often as Americans and are four times more likely to make a trip by transit, bicycle, or foot. There are growing global concerns that our dependence on cars means we are getting fatter, we are heavily polluting our environment, there is a growing amount of road congestion and traffic accidents and we rely too heavily on oil.

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For better trade, give peace a chance

June 2, 2010

Trade and Conflict: Proximity, Country Size, and Measures

From Conflict Management and Peace Science

New research finds that contrary to the long argued idea that trade leads to peaceful relations between nations, actually peace allows trade to flourish. International trade’s effect on military conflict is one of the most important issues in international relations. The conclusions from this research suggest it is time for academics and policymakers to look beyond the naive claim that the cultivation of trade ties will always and everywhere produce a more peaceful world.

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